For years, it has been a great pleasure for me to share my knowledge about whisky with others. I have experienced many exciting, interesting, entertaining and sometimes even stressful and nerve-racking evenings. But I am always elated when guests bombard me with questions, when I see their excited reactions to historical anecdotes and when I can tell that I have won them over for this wonderful, liquid gold.
As a salaried hotel director, I offered all of these tastings and seminars as part of my “all-inclusive” contract – I also was not able to satisfy every request due to my work commitments. Thanks to my current position as a consultant for the hotel industry, I now have the opportunity to reach a wider audience nationwide. This means more tastings and training courses with an even broader spectrum of clients for nearly any occasion.
I generally deal with all kinds of whisk(e)y – from Scotland to Tasmania – but my love for this beautiful country in the North of England with all its traditions and its yearning for independence has priority.